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On September 2nd of 2019 I walked into a high school cafeteria and found myself in society of rejection and exclusion. The years prior, I had only really hung out with the grade level above me, which left me at square one on the first day of senior year. I examined the room as it was organized by stereotype, the groups ranged from jocks to theatre kids to mathletes and everyone in between. The pre-requisite to have a seat at a table in the cafeteria was having your identity placed in something of this world, excelling in something, or fitting in somewhere. For the first good chunk of my senior year, I just simply did not have anywhere to sit. 

On September 2nd of 2020 I walked into the World Race and found myself in a Kingdom of invitation. Just like the groups in high school, my squad embodies a variety of people, ranging from athletes to artists —yet we share the same table. Better yet, we ALL have a seat. Unlike the high school cafeteria, the ONLY pre-requisite to having a seat in the Kingdom is coming as you are. 

Prior to coming here, I had heard before and read in scripture that I have a seat at my Father’s table. John 14 tells me that I even have a place prepared for me. What I did not know is that not only do I have a seat at my Father’s table in Heaven, but I have a seat in His Kingdom here on earth with NO PRE-REQUISITES NEEDED!! I always figured that in order to have a seat at the table with Christians I would have to come fully healed and restored and clean. These past few months have shown to me that it is quite the opposite. I can come burdened and weary, only to find freedom and rejuvenation at the table. I can come angry, only to find peace at the table. I can come doubting, only to find Him at the table. 

Life sitting at the table is SO abundant!!!! However, I cannot sit here and tell you that sitting at the table every day is easy. Sitting at the table here in the Kingdom will cost you, but it is the best price you will ever pay. There are days where I miss a bed or a flushing toilet, days where my clothes are covered in mold and my tent has a puddle of water in it. While those days are uncomfortable, it’s nothing compared to the abundance that is reaped out of them. The best way I can describe it is by comparing it to sitting in an uncomfortable chair at a table that is filled with an abundance of the best foods ever. Yes, the chair to sit at the table is going to be uncomfortable, but how would you ever be able to focus on that when you’re being filled with the most delightful things in this world?! The price of the uncomfort is well worth the abundance you receive at the table. 

There’s no words I can use to describe this abundance that makes it all worth it, so here is a few clips I have thrown together that can better explain why I choose to sit in an uncomfortable chair: 


You have a seat here in the Kingdom no matter who you are or what you’re carrying. If you’re willing to sit in an uncomfortable chair, then please come take a seat and I promise the uncomfort will be the last thing on your mind. Life on the race for the past month has been the most fruitful experience of my life. 

I am going to leave you with this, John 10:10 says “I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly”. Without Jesus, none of this abundance at the table would be here, and if that’s not worth all my praise amidst the uncomfort, then I dont know what is. 

PLEASE come to the table,

xoxo Eli Zeller 



5 responses to “an uncomfortable chair at an abundant table”

  1. Well, freaking, said. What a sweet reminder of how AWESOME it is to have a seat at THE LORD’S table!! (i’m jus picturing sitting with Jesus at lunch in high school lol) You are so loved by the Father when you choose to sit at His table, and even if you happen to find yourself at another one… He still loves yah girl! Keep choosing Him when it’s easy and use this blog as a tool to look back on when it’s not so easy!!
    If we never meet in real life, i’ll see you at the gates sister!!

  2. Chills. Proud is an understatement. It’s an honor and a joy to sit at the same table with you for the rest of eternity! I love you Eli! Life with you is the sweetest. Your wisdom inspires me daily.

  3. Gave me chills reading this! I miss you and I miss your kind heart! See you soon, praying for you everyday!